
To Have and To Hold

We done it.  We finally done it!
At the start of July, myself and Mr N got hitched!
I am now officially Mrs N.


And you know what?  I could not be happier.
They all say that getting married doesn’t change anything.  It’s just a bit of paper.
From my point of view,  I have to disagree a little.
Yes it may only be a piece of paper to some, but to me it’s that final piece of commitment.
We have been together 10 years, have 2 children, and a house for the last 8 years, but I feel that no one can come between us now.
Not that they could before,  this just cements that fact.

I also feel more grown up, and yes it is a bit silly.
I am 29, 2 children, 2 dogs and a mortgage, yet now,  I feel more grown up!

We had an absolute ball on the day, and everything went to plan.
Even the weather behaved itself!
We had glorious sun, there was a moment when we thought the heavens were going to open, but fortunately they didn’t.
We literally had the perfect day.
Great weather, great company, great venue, great food. 
What more could I ask for?



Save The Dates & Invitations

I’m starting to get a little excited.
Ok a big bit excited 🙂
It’s just over 13 months to go until our Big Day. It doesn’t seem that long ago since it was 2 years to go.

So, now is the time we should be looking at Save the Date cards and invitations. And I am having a hard job deciding!
Along came Paper Themes and helped me along a little.
They sent me a few samples from some of their ranges. And the more I think about it, could they have made my job in the search harder??
They were gorgeous.
A couple, not to my taste. But 1 stuck out immediately. I had fallen in love, don’t tell the Mr!

I liked all but one of these Save the Dates, but that’s just my personal preference. The Mr thought it was funny though. Can you guess what one it is??

As I said they are all lovely.
Also, some designs I hadn’t seen before.
The website has a lot, lot more, my eyes were like saucers looking at them. And there are prices to suit every budget. Perfect!
I found the site easy to use and work my way about.

Here is my favourite Save the Date and Invitation.

I loved this as it fits in with myself and the Mr.
It took him 7 1/2 years to propose!! I know, I know. I tried for a while before that to get him on one knee, and all it took was a New Year’s Day trip to the pub!

This invitation is so unique. I hadn’t seen one like this before, despite all my reading of wedding magazines!
It also fits in with our wedding as we are getting married at the National Mining museum of Scotland.

Go on, pop over to Paper Themes and have a cheeky little look.
You won’t regret it.



We have been trying to decide on our honeymoon plans for next year.
And I need help!!
We just don’t know what to do/where to go.

There are a few options and we have the benefit of the in laws looking after the monsters for a week and we had originally planned for us to go away abroad the first week ourselves then the second week the monsters and in laws would come out for a week.

The next option is for us to go abroad a week ourselves and come home.
Or we can head to a hotel for a couple nights then go abroad in the September time. It doesn’t even have to be abroad (would be nice though) and could be somewhere like Centre Parcs, as we love it there.

People have said to us not to go abroad with the monsters as it will be too got for them. But it depends where we go.

So help me please! As we will need to book it soon lol.


Wedding Bells

Today, I thought I would do a blog about my forthcoming wedding 🙂
I am getting married in 2014, or as I like to say in 20 months as it sounds sooner than 2014!

Myself and the Mr first got together when I was just a young pup (19 to be exact) and we have been together for just over 8 years.
As you know, we have our 2 monsters, Junior and Lolly.
Since falling pregnant with Junior I had been patiently waiting for the Mr to get down on one knee and make an honest woman out of me.
He didn’t. And I still kept on waiting.

I was still waiting after the birth of Lolly.
Until, the 1st January this year.
We had been out celebrating the New year from around 1pm (monsters were at Granny’s) and this happened at about 8pm.
Did he do it because he was drunk?
I don’t know. But I wasn’t waiting around to find out, I said yes straight away. I had waited long enough already!

We decided that we would marry in 2014 as it would give us enough time to save money and also it’s our 10 year anniversary that year, so fairly special.

It taken us forever and a day to decide where to get married. When we finally agreed on a local venue.
The Mining Museum.
And it’s perfect, the space for the ceremony etc is absolutely perfect. It’s part of the local heritage, it’s not a common place to get married. Saying that it is becoming more and more popular. And it’s local.
It won’t take friends and family long to get home (my good friend Jo can just hop over the back fence and she’s nearly home!)

I’m determined not to become a bridezilla. However, I am trying to be organised. I have 90% of things booked, including band, photographer, flowers.
This will help me budget etc, well fingers crossed.

Do you have any tips/advice for planning the wedding?
Or even money saving ideas?
If you do, give me a shout as I need all the help I can get 🙂