Month: March 2014

Meal Planning Monday 03/03/14


Can you believe it is March already!  This year is coming in far too fast!
It’s my mini mans 5th birthday this month and only 4 months until my wedding!
Can someone slow down time for me?

Because we are still doing our healthy eating, I am takibg inspiration from The Hairy Dieters again.
If you haven’t gottheir books, where have you been by the way?, I would recommend getting them,  some fantastic stuff in them.

Here goes

M   All in one pork and rice
T   Soup, unsure what yet
W    Haddock fishcakes
T    Baked potatoes
F   Meatloaf and tomato sauce
S    Chicken korma
S    our usual Roast

Thanks to Mrs M for hosting the weekly linky, take a swing by her page go see what’s cooking.