Month: February 2014

Meal Planning Monday 24/02/14


Welcome to my Monday Meal Plan!
With a big thanks to Mrs M for hosting this linky.

I am getting back in the swing with my meal plans, and cannot believe that I let them slide for so long.
They are helping me stick to my healthy eating and keeping shopping costs down,  which we all love, don’t we?

Here goes:

M  Chicken cordon bleu – low fat version
T   Homemade Lentil soup
W   Creamy Haddock
T   Pann Haggerty light
F   Mince & vegetable pie
S   Turkey Burgers
S   Roast dinner

We are taking inspiration from The Hairy Dieters this week.

We get out fresh fish from John and the gang at Delishfish.  Pop along and have a look, the fish is the tastiest we have had in a while.

Don’t forget to pop along to Mrs M’s to see what else is cooking 🙂


Calling All Adventurers (and mummies/daddies)

Here at Follow my Line HQ, we have been invited to a Top secret event, hosted by the wonderful Ella’s Kitchen.
Alas, we cannot go, as this event is being held in London (hopefully you will have one in Edinburgh at some point)
I bet you can imagine how sad we are to miss this 😦

I can let you into a little secret though!
Are you in London on Wednesday 26th February?
Are you free between 10.30am and 1pm?

Well if you answered yes to these 2 questions,  read on my little Adventurers,  and don’t miss out!

Calling all adventurous little ones…

Baby and toddler food experts, Ella’s Kitchen, is creating a totally incredible, edible experience for little taste explorers to enjoy.

Created to celebrate the launch of the ‘my little BIG meals’ range, the super-secret taste adventure is designed to introduce little ones to a world of scrummy fruit and delicious veg, and features a whole host of fun things for little explorers to taste, touch, smell and discover.

The incredible edible event opens to the public at The Horniman Museum and Gardens, London on Wednesday 26th February from 10.30am – 1pm and is free of charge for parents and little ones to explore.

WHEN? Wednesday 26th February, 10.30am – 1pm

WHERE? The Horniman Museum and Gardens, Victorian Conservatory

ADDRESS: 100 London Road, Forest Hill, SE23 3PQ


Sounds exciting right?
Get along there and join in the fun.

Let us know how it is and be sure to have some fun for us.


Frugal Friday – Lists

I love them.   Never used to, in all honesty, if you were a list person 10 years ago, I would have thought you didnt get out enough.
But, oh, how times have changed, I have a list for near enough everything.
Meal plan, shopping list, freezer and cupboard list, you name it and I probably have a list for it.

My freezer and cupboard lists are what I have in them and this helps keep shopping down through the week.
I work my meal plans around what I have in them, so as not to buy a lot at the shops.
Since doing this, I have saved roughly £7-£10 a week.
Over a year that could be a saving of upto £520!

Here are a couple of my lists, the freezer and cupboard ones do get quite messy (all the crossing out and adding on)



Do you use lists?
What do you use them for?

I would love to hear about your money saving, frugal tips, so share, share away 🙂


It’s The Little Things

Sometimes in life I am easily pleased, and right now it is the little things in life,  that are making a big impact on me.
And 9 times out of 10, theses things come from my Mini Man and Little Lady,  and occasionally Mr N.

Take for example,  today, the Mini Man came home from nursery and handed me a piece of paper.  On it was his name, a heart, and I am not going to lie, something else that I had no idea what it was.
And naturally when I asked him, he looked at me as if I had no brain.
“Mummy, you’re just stupid.   Its your heart and our home. I put the 2 of them together becsuse you fill our house with love”
Once he had said that, I forgot all about being called stupid, but felt , my heart swell snd my eyes well up.
I thanked him for his amazing oicture and gave him a cuddle, his response?
“Calm down mummy, it’s just a picture”
He has such a way with words!

Then there is the Little Lady, she is a bit more forward with her compliments.   And they range in size, depending kn what mood the little devil angel is in.
“I can’t see the telly mummy”, when I am giving, or rather trying to give, her a cuddle.
All the way to – “I love you more than macaroni and cake” and believe me thats a whole lot of love. 
Her latest one is, I don’t like you….. I love you.  But beware the signs  as she only does this on the now and again, or, dum dum dum, when she is after something, more than often something sweet.

I remember, way back in the day, when Mr N and I first met,  we used to leave little love notes dotted sbout, in bags, sandwich tubs, you name it.  

Aaaa young love!

What are the Little Thkngs that make you smile?